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central time中文是什么意思

用"central time"造句"central time"怎么读"central time" in a sentence


  • 〔美国〕中部标准时间。


  • The game will run on a central time clock
  • If you ' d like to order , you can phone our sales department 748 - 793 - 0009 between 9 am and 5 pm ( u . s central time ) and ask for mr . steven zimmerman
    如你方愿意订购,可在早上9点到晚上5点之间(美国中部时间)打电话748 - 793 - 0009至我方销售部,找史蒂文齐默曼先生联系。
  • Charted with them , and guangzhou time units was preliminarily analyzed as well . secondly , the author introduced the way and the signification of temporal position analyse with examples . thirdly , taking on - the - spot survey method as a practical tool , the author obtained data of temporal distance between each time unit at the verge of different urban districts and the central time unit of the city
用"central time"造句  
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